Contents Include a
download of the following:
Creation Script for Babies
Turtle Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Butterfly Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Squirrel Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Nut Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Sun Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Moon Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Cloud Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Star Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Worm Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Bunny Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Blue Bird Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Large Beehive Illustration
Three Bees to use with beehive
Flower Bouquet Puppet on a Stick Pattern
Three Figures to use in Peek Box
Tree Puppet Picture Pattern
Four Animal Patterns to use with Tree Puppet Picture
Butterfly Puppet on a Stick Patterns to use with Older Toddlers
Flower Puppet on a Stick Patterns to use with Older Toddlers
Thirty-Eight song cards
List of the soundtracks for the songs and the page
numbers where the songs can be found in the script
The song tracks are also listed on the song cards.
Download of Seventy-Three Songs(Sent in a separate email)
Download of the To Babies and Toddlers with Love Songbook
(Sent in a separate email)
Digital Download for Mini Baby Creation Box
This purchase is for a digital download of three files: Creation Mini Box file download, Song Cd download, and the Baby and Toddler Revised Songbook download. No physical products will be shipped to you.
The purpose of including the songbook is to give you the opportunity to extend your lesson, add mini units to the original lesson or just add a few extra songs.
This purchase is under the same copyright as Palma's other materials. Please honor the copyright which states that you may share the materials with teachers in your church or school but not outside those boundaries. Thank You!
(All sales final on downloads.) If you need help downloading your material, I will be happy to help!
Susie for Early Childhood